What a humbling experience to be voted by the readers of Devon Life Magazine into the finals of the Food & Drink Awards 2015. On the 5 November we attended a splendid awards ceremony held at Sandy Park, home of Exeter Chiefs and won! Thank you to everyone who voted for us, we are so pleased that you enjoy our wine.
Once again we say a big thank you to all of the volunteers who helped us with the harvest, we could not manage without you and we look forward to catching up every year with our friends. Bringing in a good harvest is always a huge relief as it is what we work for all year and although 2015 gave up a little less than we normally pick, the sugars were just right and for Rondo and Pinot Noir, were the highest we have ever achieved going into the press at the winery with Steve Brooksbank, our winemaker, confirming an astounding 101Oechsle.
Harvesting the grapes does not mean that our work is finished as winter is a busy time of year with many essential tasks to perform in the vineyard. Immediately after the grapes have been picked we wind in the nets that have protected them before the vine growth turns woody and becomes difficult to remove. Following on swiftly, we remove the tendrils wrapped around the wires for exactly the same reason. As soon as the vines have lost their leaves and moved into their dormant state we start to prune and tie them down. Rebalancing the soil with fertilizer and manure, replacing wooden posts where needed, trimming hedges and keeping the stream clear of leaves and debris, servicing machinery and equipment, we can’t wait for the summer when things quiet down!
The vineyard shop is open every Friday and Saturday before Christmas and if you happen to be passing by at other times and see us working in the vineyard, do call in, but if we do not see you then we take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous NewYear.